Be an Ultra Endurance athlete.
Do it while keeping your life, your marriage, and your family FIRST.

You can be an Ultrarunner, Ultra-endurance athlete, Ultra adventurer. And you can do it while keeping your life, your marriage, your family, etc…

The MOST I’ve consistently averaged is 40 miles per week, and 7 hours of time, and those times were only temporary. (Compared to typical 100 mile training plans of 70-100 miles per week) Life comes first, and usually my averages are much less…

I only average one long run a month! Compare this to typical ultra training plans which have you run long every single weekend on Saturday, usually followed by another medium long run on Sunday. Your long runs will become a chore or something you dread. The long run, where it takes us and what it does for us is WHY we run! It should be exciting, and something you look forward to!

1T1 Endurance Services

Premium Coaching

  • $150 / month
  • $100 / month

100 Mile Training Weeks
Endless Training Weekends

Missing Out On Life
Never let LIFE pass you by! FIRST things FIRST!

Less than 1% of us are professionals, but most training programs assume you should train like one.

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